Brixham In Bloom

Brixham In Bloom

Making Brixham A Brighter Place

Brixham enters the RHS South West In Bloom competition and this year has achieved a Silver Gilt award. Brixham also has it’s own Love Your Brixham Garden competition.

Brixham In Bloom is the umbrella group that manages both of these events and is run entirely by volunteers. The various gardens and green spaces across the town that make up our entry include Furzeham Green, St. Mary’s Park, Moorings Reach, Brixham Library, Indigos go Green and the Middle Street Community Garden, to name just a few.

The RHS judges also look at the town as a whole and in 2023 we were the winners of the Art In The Landscape award for the Murals Project run by Brixham Future CIC.

Brixham In Bloom 2024

As part of the RHS judging Brixham In Bloom is expected to produce a presentation to the judges showing the best of our town, this was our 2024 video presentation.

As part of the RHS judging Brixham In Bloom is expected to produce a presentation to the judges showing the best of our town, this was our 2024 video presentation.

Brixham’s participation in the RHS competitions is supported by:
Brixham Town Council, SWISSCo and The Brixham Chamber of Commerce.

“There is no spot of ground, however arid, bare or ugly, that cannot be tamed into such a state as may give an impression of beauty and delight.”

Gertrude Jekyll

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Brixham In Bloom

Making Brixham A Brighter Place

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